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Royal Caribbean International - Powered by Honeymoon Wishes
The Couple
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Wedding Party
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Gift Registry
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Like many of you, we are keeping our eye on the news about the virus and it's impact on travel and the world. While we sincerely hope that each and every one of our dear friends and family that are invited can attend, we understand your personal considerations as the situation continues to develop on COVID-19. We know that you must take your own precautions and that any absence is unrelated to love and affection for our family.

Simarily, we are also monitoring its effect on the cruise industry and our planned honeymoon cruise. We want to assure you that we are mindful of our health and will not put ourselves in undue jeopardy. We have travel insurance and the cruise line also has a policy that will enable us to maintain full value for a later cruise if we desire to cancel our planned one.

While we do have a cruise registry for the honeymoon (as you know since you are here), we realize that you might desire to give a different sort of travel-unrelated wedding gift instead. We have decided not to register at a store or website since we are both combining two households together, full of items and memories. If you still wish to send us a gift, what we would appreciate instead, is simply a cash donation. This would be put to good use with the costs associated with moving and related home upgrades and repairs.

In the meantime, please keep safe and know that we love you all.


Bryan & Anel


UPDATE 4/8/20

Like all of you, we are waiting to see what will happen when it comes to the pandemic, and that includes our wedding plans. So, let's talk about that for a second. Some of you have reached out to ask us, so we thought we would take a moment and update you.

We have not changed or cancelled anything as of yet. We have contacted the venue, vendors, and cruise line but they're also waiting to see how things shake out. We reached out to them more for our own peace of mind, but we also wanted to check in on their rescheduling and cancellation policies in light of everything. After all, we did a lot of pre-planning and coordination to get everything to line up together and it might not be possible to perfectly align everything again if the virus doesn't cooperate. It's possible that we could run into the plans that others already have beyond our planned date if we need to shift the date. We're trying to keep our minds open to alternatives without getting too down about it. So, if you ask us and we seem sad or reluctant to talk about it, just realize that this is a date we've been looking forward to, and spending with you, for quite some time now. Facing an unknown like this is challenging on many levels. Once we know anything of substance, we will post it here. Until then, we are both planning on June 6, 2020.

Other than that, both of our families are doing well and no one is sick. We're really limiting our personal travels and taking precautions just like we hope each and every one of you are too. Life is somewhere near normal, and we're all adjusting in our own way. Anel is considered essential so she is still going to work and practicing social distancing with a bottle of hand sanitizer, mask, and gloves close by. Bryan has been working from home and taking advantage of being able to do some home projects in preparation for the union of the two families. Kiara and Eric are taking their high school classes online, and Alex has been busy picking up coding jobs to work on from home. Basically, we're just trying to keep healthy and productive.

We sincerely wish everyone well and hope to see you soon. Please take care of yourselves and keep in touch!

Anel & Bryan